David is a Senior Partner at Mercer and Senior Actuary for Australia. He is the National Leader for Research and currently the actuary to the Victorian and Tasmanian governments, the Western Australian public sector pension plan and was the industry expert of the three person team who conducted a review of Military Superannuation for the Australian Government. He is author of the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index.
Before joining Mercer in 2005, David was at PricewaterhouseCoopers and prior to that was the Foundation Professor of Actuarial Studies at The University of Melbourne. In his two decades in academia, he acted as a consultant to a range of financial organisations, in both the private and public sectors, specialising in the superannuation and retirement incomes area. He has spoken and written widely in this area and has served on many Government and industry committees.
David was an independent Board member of Australian Prudential Regulation Authority from 1998 to 2003 and President of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia in 2000.