7th Annual Future Fund Admin 2024The Future Of Superannuation Fund Administration 2024 Forum
22nd- 23rd May 2024, Sydney Central Hotel
Topic covered for 2024 Forum:
  • The evolving landscape of superannuation fund administration
  • The superannuation administration operating model of the future
  • Regulatory Updates and Compliance- Impact on Fund Administration
  • Innovation in Superannuation Fund Administration: Exploring Emerging Technologies and Trends
  • Administration trends in the US
  • Case Study: Digitisation of superannuation fund administration
  • Implementing PayDay Super- Challenges
  • Evolving Role of Trustees in Modern Fund Administration
  • Risk Management in Fund Administration
  • Insurance administration
  • Why the funds are failing on internal dispute resolution systems
  • The Future of Member Engagement: Delivering Personalized Experiences and Driving Better Retirement Outcomes
  • Designing a Member-Centric Superannuation Fund: Strategies for Enhancing the Member Experience
  • If scale is the answer, what is the question.
  • Data Analytics and Decision-Making: Leveraging Insights for Strategic Planning
  • Collaboration with Service Providers
  • Are Super funds poised to embrace Artificial intelligence/Chat GPT?
  • Operational Efficiency and Cost Management
  • What to Consider When Choosing a Superannuation Administrator
  • Outsourcing vs. In-House Administration: Evaluating the Pros and Cons
  • Operational Resilience: Navigating Challenges and Ensuring Continuity

2024 Sponsorship & Speaking Opportunities:

The Future of Superannuation FundAdministration 2024 Forum offers sponsors anexcellent opportunity to demonstratethought-leadership and leverage networkingopportunities to build brand-value amongstyour target audience. If you would like to knowmore about sponsorship, exhibition andbusiness development opportunities please justget in touch with us-

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