
As Founder & Managing Director of Propel, Roger Christie understands the importance of aligning social initiatives with organisational strategy to deliver better business outcomes. He has more than a decade’s experience across industry, consultancy and agency, utilising data, technology and...
Stuart Khan is an Associate Professor in the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia. He is the leader of the Trace Chemical Contaminants research stream at the UNSW Water Research Centre. Khan is also a Hans Fischer Fellow...
Ian is a Chemical Engineer with a Masters Degree in Public Health Engineering from the University of Cape Town in South Africa and is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland. He was, until March 2003, CH2M HILL’s Technology...
I am a chartered accountant with extensive commercial and risk management experience in the financial services sector. At present I lead the Risk and Operations function of ANZi which is the Digital Innovation arm of the ANZ Banking Group. ANZi’s...