
Ruby Yadav
Chief Risk & Compliance Officer, Mercer Pacific
Ruby Yadav leads the risk function at UniSuper and is responsible for providing independent risk, compliance, assurance and financial crime response services.
Head of Performance Measurement & Risk Analysis, KBI Global Investors
Jeff Gebler
Head of Investment Risk Compliance at Rest Superannuation
Performance Manager, AustralianSuper
Carl Bacon
CIPM Chief Adviser, Confluence (UK). Founder Freedom Index Company, UK
Carl’s expertise in risk, performance measurement and GIPS enables him to add value to product development and StatPro’s business strategy.
Managing Partner, Cove Partners Pty Ltd
Duncan Thomas
Chief People Officer, Fuji Xerox Australia
He is known for his inspirational coaching leadership style and strong influencing approach, having worked as a trusted advisor to senior executives at Board level.
Jess Weiss
Managing Consultant, Human Tribe
Kristin Hay
Global Director, People and Culture, Travelex
Commercial & progressive HR leader, leading international HR teams driving transformational change across the business
Caitlin Hudson
Head of Risk, Brighter Super