Stuart Khan is an Associate Professor in the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia. He is the leader of the Trace Chemical Contaminants research stream at the UNSW Water Research Centre. Khan is also a Hans Fischer Fellow at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. He has received funding for over 30 major competitive research projects from Australian, US and European funding agencies. He has published over 100 peer reviewed journal articles on issues relating to trace chemical contaminants in drinking water, wastewater and recycled water. Stuart Khan is an appointed member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Water Quality and Health Technical Advisory Group (WQTAG). He is also a member of the Water Quality Advisory Committee (WQAC) to the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Khan is the leader of the ‘Organic Chemical Contaminants’ reference group of the WQAC and, in this role, he led the revision of all aspects involving organic chemical contaminants in the 2011 revision of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Khan has also made significant contributions to other Australian water quality guidelines, particularly the Natio

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