People and Culture Director, Lux Everyday (Scoopon)
I have always considered myself a great facilitator – in a boardroom, team meeting, counselling session or even around the dinner table!
Ginny Monteiro (PhD)
Director, Altitude Minds
I am passionate about supporting organisations plan, implement and ensure the sustainability of change and transformation projects using a blend of the latest evidence-based change management models and program frameworks.
Aga Strzemeska
Head of People Operations, Marley Spoon Australia
My background is political science and before joining Marley Spoon in Sydney I used to work for the United Nations in New York.
Molly Rowe
Head of People and Culture, RecordPoint
A professional multitasker who loves a challenge, Molly is a people person who never says no to a good cup of tea.
Lorraine Salloum
CEO, Ability Advocates Australia
Simon Ives
Senior Manager - People and Culture Transformation, Townsville City Council
Chloe Hawcroft
Chief Executive, People Measures
Peter Hartnett
Head of People and Culture, Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing